Prevent and Treat Oral Health Problems in Children using Pediatric Dental Appliances
When many parents hear about “dental appliances,” they often think about their teenage children. However, such appliances are common in young children and are often used for preventive or treatment purposes.
Lifestyle Dentistry in Smyrna, Georgia, proudly offers exceptional dental care to young smiles. We’ve equipped our office with several pediatric dental appliances to ensure your child maintains a happy, healthy smile.
Common types of pediatric dental appliances
Like adults, children are vulnerable to numerous oral health issues, including injuries, orthodontic problems, sleep apnea, snoring, etc. Pediatric dental appliances come in many sizes and shapes to fulfill multiple functions.
These are some dental devices your little one may need.
- Preventative Guided Growth & Development Guides: These guides are worn passively, while sleeping. They promote nasal breathing, ideal jaw development, and correct tongue position. These guides, if worn early enough in development, can prevent children from needing braces.
- Athletic Mouthguards: Is your child passionate about playing sports? While sports-related injuries are a genuine concern, they shouldn’t hinder your child’s enthusiasm for being active. Consider using sports guards to safeguard your child’s oral well-being during their beloved activities.
- Space maintainers: Baby teeth may be lost prematurely to decay or injury. In such cases, the surrounding teeth tend to shift into the toothless space, causing alignment and spacing issues for erupting adult teeth. When baby teeth fall out prematurely, space maintainers are inserted as placeholders until permanent teeth erupt.
- Thumb-sucking appliances: Many children can outgrow their thumb-sucking habit. Unfortunately, children who don’t quit this bad habit after age 5-6 risk oral complications like misaligned teeth and narrowed arches. A palatal crib placed in the mouth prevents the thumb from reaching the roof of the mouth, reducing gratification. This device breaks thumb-sucking almost immediately.
- Mandibular Repositioning Appliances (MARs): This retainer-like device repositions the lower jaw into a more forward position to improve breathing for children with obstructive sleep apnea. This non-invasive approach also minimizes snoring for a good night’s sleep.
Children’s Dentist Near Me
Every patient, including children, deserves optimal oral health. Don’t know if your little one(s) could benefit from a dental guide? Don’t hesitate! Call now (678) 884-4494 to reserve an appointment with Dr. Aja Nichols. Don’t let your child suffer any longer!